Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 12

I am so excited!  Scott now has Wifi and I just realized I can actually update this from the little house on campus that Jon and I are staying in!  I will try to upload some photos after this post.

So today, we woke up to find quite a few sickly people.  Linda Halbert, Claire, Michelle Fackler, and Rachel Hailstone are all down with some kind of stomach bug or virus.  Claire and Linda seem to be doing better and I think now Rachel and Michelle are making progress.  Luckily, this year, we have Dr. Voelker along with us and so he has been able to check on them and give them appropriate medications and make sure they're getting plenty of fluids.  Anyway, please keep the group in your prayers as things like this seem to always make the rounds through the dorm. 

Last night we thoroughly embarrassed Quincy for his birthday by giving him 18 birthday kisses on the cheek from all the girls and a big bear hug from Brian.  Ellie had hand-made him a card that everyone had signed and Jon bought chocolate and cokes for the whole group.  We love having Quincy along on the trip as he is such a wonderfully called preacher and a great person to get to know.

As I said yesterday, all the luggage has arrived so that was a huge praise.  I think that's the fastest we've ever received lost luggage!  In general, this group has been working so well together and getting a lot accomplished.

Today, we all broke into groups and went to various churches.  Most of the men and senior boys preached or gave their testimonies.  This afternoon, two different groups went out.  We sent most of the Kajairdo team to the local woodcarvers village since they won't have the chance to go once they leave for the Masaii village.  The rest of the team went on a hike up the hills behind Scott seminary.  I'm sure they will come back with lots of great stories and photos.

The Millet kids are all doing just great for those of you praying for them.  They are LOVING Africa.  Marshall has shook almost everyone's hand that he's met and all have had a great attitude.  They had a great time in church this morning watching the different choirs and watching Dad preach and Max sing. 

Thank you for your continued prayers.  This trip consists of so many more people than just those who are here.  We are so thankful for the many of you who helped us get here and who are praying for us and our ministry. 

For the group

Jenni Millet


  1. Hope all the newbies had fun with their first Kenyan church experience and got to dance! Praying for you all! PS -- WAY TO GO MAVS!!!! Much love,

    Lauren Hardison

  2. thanks for the update, jenni!
    i'm so sorry about the sickness & will be praying that it comes to an abrubt halt!!!! i'm so glad you brought your kids & they are getting to fall in love with Africa too:) we think of & pray for ya'll often.. looking forward to hearing from you again!
    lots of love from texas:)
    mary jane

    PS- are elli's braids still hanging in there??
