Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One more day before takeoff

Please be in prayer for these final days of preparation. 

Please uplift the following:

Scott Theological College and the work project that we will be helping to construct.
The VBS Ministry which we be going on almost daily.
The Springs of Hope Orphanage where we minister and paint a children’s mural.
The many local Schools where we will be sharing the Gospel.
The many local Churches where we will be preaching the word of God.
The Masai at Rruya where we will be helping to construct a church.

We will have a lot going on each day and so much opportunity to reflect Christ.  Pray we do this well.



1 comment:

  1. Dallas-London-Nairobi. Total fight time - 17:35 hrs. Praying for traveling mercies... Soli Deo gloria!
