Tuesday, July 5, 2011


So, it has been almost a month since we left for Africa.  Sorry I am just now finishing off the blog.  We came home and slept for about 3 days and it seems like I have been doing laundry ever since.  Anyway, I wanted to say thank you so much to those of you who were following the blog and praying for us and our ministry in Africa.  We literally could not do the trip without your support.

The trip was fantastic this year.  The TCA students were wonderful and we hope they will all keep coming back each year!  Many people received Christ and many relationships were established that were a blessing to the kingdom of God.  

Jon and I wanted to say a special thanks to our adult sponsors.  Please keep in mind that every adult sponsor not only did a huge amount of preparation before we left, but also led a devotion, preached or spoke multiple times, mentored a small group of students each day and generally worked hard.  To thank them for all that work...we passed around a horrible stomach virus.  :)  Seriously, we hope they know how invaluable they were to us.  With a group this size, there is just no way Jon and I could organize everything ourselves.  We hope they are greatly blessed for their time on the trip.

Brian Millet - who led the team to Kajiado and who we could NOT do that half of the trip without - LITERALLY!  He is really the reason Mama Ruth now has a church for her tribe.  He had the personal privilege of leading two of the key Masaai leaders to Christ last year, which had obviously made a huge impact on the tribe now, opening doors for the gospel to be heard and accepted in that region.
Felicity Lopez - who helped out with everything under the sun in Machakos.  She helped research and organize supplies for the School for Disabled students to make necklaces to sell.  She also checked on sick people about every 10 minutes and became the dorm "mom".  And she entertained my own children quite a bit and kept them laughing.
Ron Crosby - who was on the Kajiado team and really caught the vision of helping the people of Africa. He was always very positive and encouraging to everyone on the trip.  We really enjoyed getting to know him better and were blessed by his consistent support.
Mark Dyer - who helped Brian organize the 5K race, complete with medals and prizes, and then went to Kajiado to help with building the church.   He also caught the vision to really want to help those in need in Kenya and has been very encouraging for us as we continue to plan for the future.
Koie English - who went to Kajiado to build the church and was great to jump in and go lead a program at a school or church any time we asked.  We found out that she is worth at least 5 good cows as a wife. I'm sure her husband thinks she is worth more than that! 
Linda Halbert - who has now sent all 3 of her kids on the trip and has been a huge support and help in many ways, this year on the Kajiado team.  One of the hardest workers on the team and never complains!  Seriously!  Plus, she is fun to laugh with. 
Josh Stewart - who stayed in Machakos and kept everyone working hard on the preschool building project.  He was great with the students and very easy to work with.  He was a huge help to Jon and I managing the students and also had all sorts of technological gadgets to help us get online, download photos, etc. 
and last but DEFINITELY not least:
Dr. Mitch Voelker - who was literally invaluable this year as we had the entire team down at one time or another with some kind of horrible stomach virus.  He spent many hours walking the dorm hallway taking peoples temperatures and blood pressure and making sure nobody got dehydrated.  He was also able to travel around and give valuable advice at the orphanage and some of the local hospitals and clinics.  His kids are pretty great too!

We also want to thank our college-age counselors.  This was the first year we have taken college counselors along with us and we decided it is something we want to do every time!  These guys were perfect on the trip because they are young and strong to do some of the hard work (that frankly, some of us older people may not be as helpful with), and yet old enough to be great mentors to the younger students.  All of these guys displayed great character and spiritual maturity throughout the whole trip and we were so glad they were each there.

Will Pendleton - This was Will's third time to go on the trip.  He is a great guy with a positive attitude and was just awesome to have on the trip again as a counselor.  He was always willing to do whatever the task was and was able to motivate the students to jump in and participate.  Someday ask him about his door to door evangelism story where he talked a guy out of murder! 
Wes Dickens - Hilarious!  Very bright young man who has a gift for speaking.  Wes came with us three times as a student so was perfect as an experienced counselor.   In fact, several of our rules like "Don't pet the monkeys" are in in place BECAUSE of Wes!  :)  He is hoping to spend a semester in Africa next year.  He is a dynamic young man who we believe will have a great ministry one day.
Brad Dickens - Joined his younger brother Wes this year for the first time and proved to be a great leader, great speaker and a real positive influence.  He was terrific on the job site and we loved to see his desire for door to door evangelism, we believe he takes after his father with a passion for the lost.
Peter Bjorkman - was invaluable on the trip!  Peter also came on the trip with us three times as a student and then actually lived in Kenya for 6 months last year working with street kids and became fluent in Swahili.  He went with Brian ahead of the group to Kajiado to buy supplies and make sure everything was ready for the team.  They told Brian never to bring him back because he was so great at bargaining and talked them down on prices for everything.  :)
James Voelker - This was James first year as he joined his dad and younger sister Sarah.  He proved to be invaluable on the work sites helping to lead in our construction work.  He is a great guy and was a perfect addition to the Kajiado team helping them in their building project as well.  Brian spoke highly of his leadership while in Kajiado.

We also would like to say a very special thanks James and Mary Ndungu who helped to coordinate much of the trip in Kenya.  We would be lost without their constant guidance and direction for just about every area of our ministry.  They are invaluable as leaders and good friends that we have had the pleasure of getting to know these past several years.

There are too many students to list individually but they were all wonderful.  It is so fun to watch the new ones as they encounter a different culture for the first time and as they become invested in the people they meet.  And of course we are always thrilled to see some of the students who were impacted enough to come back year after year and have a calling to help the people of Kenya.   We know the Lord has big plans for each of them and are so grateful for the unique, various gifts God has given each of them.

Thank you to the parents who entrusted your kids to us and to all the many friends and family of each team member who supported us in so many ways throughout the whole trip.  Our hope is that God was glorified and that many people will come to know Christ as a result of the seeds we planted this year.

In Christ alone

Jon and Jenni Millet

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday, June 19

Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there!  This may be the last post you will see before we come home, but we may have wifi at the Safari...not sure yet. 

Thank you Jill for getting photos from Cindy from the Kajaido group.  They are all doing fine although we really haven't gotten any details because phone reception is very bad there but we've talked enough to know everyone is well.

Those of us in Machakos had a wonderful last day at various churches.  Then we went to the Woodcarvers Village for the afternoon.  We ran out of light and so were unable to go the the Mwania riverbed, which is too bad because it is really a geologic wonder and we like for the students to see it when possible.  Anyway, we got back just in time for dinner.  Then we had all of the Scott interpreters, guides, driver, cook, etc. come up and pick out some of the donated clothes and items.  We are so thankful for all their help.  It really makes it so nice to have a friendly person along with us to make sure we don't get lost and translate for us.  There were about 20 guides in all.

Tonight, we are packing and heading to bed.  The jeeps will be at both locations tomorrow morning ready to leave at 6 a.m.   Four jeeps will be coming here for the group still at Scott, and 3 to pick up the Kajaido group.  We will meet at the safari lodge and enjoy a couple of days of relaxation before we come home.  It is a great time for the students to finally have some time to reflect on everything they have just seen and experienced.  It makes a little buffer for the culture shock when they get home and realize how much differently we live as Americans than a good part of the rest of the world.

Thank you so much for all your prayers.  This has been a fantastic trip.  The students have been a complete joy!  Every one of them has been so helpful and kind and willing to step out of their comfort zones in many different ways.  You should be so proud of them.

Please pray for safety as we return home and we hope to see everyone Thurs. at the airport! 

In Christ,

Jenni Millet for the group

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kajiado Pictures

Hi everyone,

Jill Cox here again.  It occurred to me today that Cindy Millet was probably getting picture texts from Brian so I messaged her, and she sent me these.  Hopefully you will be able to tell what they are showing!

And a very special thanks to Cindy for her help!!

Saturday, June 18

I can't believe this trip is coming to a close.  Our group in Machakos has been finishing up everything today.  Tomorrow we will be going to churches for various services once again and then going on a short hike to a really pretty and unusual riverbed, the Mwania river.  Tomorrow night we are handing out the rest of the clothes and supplies we brought to the Scott students. 

This morning, our devotion from Dr. Voelker was about being ambassadors for Christ.  Obviously, we are ambassadors of God's kingdom no matter where we are, whether in Africa or Dallas at TCA.  It was a good reminder of the values and attributes we should strive to portray to those around us if we are going to represent our God well.

Today, we finished up on our work project of preparing the land for the preschool building.  It may not sound very glamorous or exciting that we have been basically shoveling dirt all week but it was something they needed here by the Scott campus and will have a big impact on the area.  The kids have done a great job working without complaining, some even DRAGGING their tired, sick selves down there even when they didn't feel good.  We had to FORCE some of them to go back and rest when they were sick!  We are so proud of all of them.

This morning we also held our last session of VBS.  I am SO proud of this VBS team...they have been fabulous all week long.  We sang a bunch of songs, watched a movie called "The Jesus Movie" (a cartoon) and then passed out a couple of kids bibles and candy as prizes.  This afternoon, Rachel, Gunnar, Michelle, and Madison came and played games with all the VBS kids just to have some fun.

I believe we also finished the mural at the Orphanage today.  That group still isn't back but I know they were almost done when they went over there earlier.  The rest of the group stayed here, finished up the work project and had another soccer game with some of the locals. 

Tonight we will eat dinner and have our meeting and then relax a little.  We are looking forward to meeting up with the rest of the team Monday for the safari.

I have had a couple more texts from Brian and all is well but no details.  He doesn't seem to be getting my texts asking him for MORE details.  :)  But, I do know that tomorrow will be very special for them as they will be holding their FIRST church service up on top of the hill where Mama Ruth's tribe lives in the new building our team helped put up.  Very exciting and I am hoping they come back with tons of photos and video.

That's all for now!

In Christ,

Jenni Millet for the group

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday, June 17

Thank you so much to Jill Cox again for updating the blog for me yesterday.  There was some kind of glitch with the Wifi yesterday and nobody could connect for awhile.  Anyway, I appreciate that she is always willing to blog for me when I can't.  :)

Today was an awesome day here in Machakos.  I did receive 5 texts from Brian today that looked like they were photo attachments, but unfortunately I couldn't open them.  He did say that all were doing GREAT there and he has been so happy with the whole team that went with him this year.  They finished the church building except for the windows, doors, and some roof flashing.  That should all be done by tomorrow and ready for the first church service on Sunday.  I'm sorry I don't have much more detail than that, but we always expect it to be hard to communicate with them.

Today, those of us in Machakos spent the morning working on the preschool grounds again.  Then Jon took all of us downtown to T. Tots restaurant and bought us all samosas and cokes.  From there, we walked a block or two down to their Friday open market and looked at all the fresh veggies and fruit (that we can't eat) and bought some knick knacks.

After the market, we split into several groups.  Jon, Max, Catherine, Scott, Karley and Gunnar all went back to the School for Disabled again and passed out some prayer journals, bibles, and candy.  We also were able to leave them some clothes, a wheelchair, canes, walkers and orthotics...thanks to many who donated items including Marshall's best friend, Kenny.  Max preached his first sermon there today on Ecclesiastes and how everything that matters is what is done for Christ. 

Dr. Voelker, myself, Felicity, Rachel, Michelle, Brad, Brandon, Marshall, Mikayla and Marie all went over to the orphanage and delivered about 12 tubs of diapers, formula, baby clothes, childrens toys, books and bibles and general supplies.  It is always so good to see them and this mom was especially proud watching my own children interact and play with all the little kids.  Mikayla even picked up a few kids, something I wasn't even aware she was capable of.  :)  The time went too quickly.

Will, Lauren, Lizzie and Tobias came back to Scott to lead the 6th day of VBS.  We felt bad leaving it up to just the four of them since the rest of us were spread out in so many other places, but they have done just great with the kids all week.  Pastor Charles was there along with several Scott students to help control the chaos too.  It gets really crazy when we start passing out candy.  Those kids go bananas for candy and will try to sneak into line more than once or switch jackets and try to look like someone else.  They are so cute and we hope they are learning a lot about Jesus this week.  Tomorrow will be our final day of VBS in the morning from about 10-12:30.  We are showing a cartoon of the Jesus movie, doing a few songs and passing out more candy and a couple of childrens bibles.

We all met back here for dinner and then immediately held a movie/social night for the Scott students and their kids.  There was singing and some awesome dancing that we got on video, and then we watched Despicable Me.  They seemed to love it, and it has a redeeming message to it. 

We are now exhausted and headed for bed.  Tomorrow we have VBS, some kind of soccer match, last day on the work project and more speaking at schools.  Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Rachel, Alex, and Lauren have been painting another mural at the Springs of Hope Orphanage the last several days.  They have done a great job and really brightened up the preschool room.  They will be finishing that up tomorrow as well.

If I hear any more from the Kajaido group, I will let you know.  Brian did mention that the tribe has moved about 6 kilometers down the mountain range to be closer to more of their tribe family members.  The chief lady of the tribe, Mama Ruth, had been praying for the last TEN YEARS under a particular tree where they used to live for God to establish a christian church for her tribe.  She was ridiculed for years from others but stayed faithful.  So, while the tribe has moved away from her tree, it stands as a testament to God's answer to her prayers and the church is now just a small distance away and is being filled with many members of her tribe who have witnessed the series of events that proved her God is real.  Please continue to pray with us for these people and pray that our whole group will realize the miraculous events unfolding right in front of us that we are so privileged to be a part of.

In Christ,

Jenni Millet for the group

p.s. Will try to get some more photos up...it's been really slow loading photos.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Text Update From Jenni

Hi everyone-

Jill Cox here on behalf of the Kenya team!  They've lost their WiFi connection for some reason today, so Jenni texted me a few highlights to pass along.

First of all, Jenni says that overall, everyone on both the Machakos team and the Kajiado team is doing really well.  There are a couple of people still struggling with minor, annoying health issues on the Machakos team, so let's keep them in our prayers.  For more specific details on each team:

Jenni said that the Machakos team's work group is doing a great job and the VBS numbers keep growing daily.  There were about 120 kids there today (WOW!).  Groups are still going out and doing door-to-door evangelism and she didn't mention this, but I am sure there were also a couple of school visits as well.  So, despite those few who are feeling under-the-weather, it sounds like the Machakos team had another amazing day!

Jenni said that they ended up talking to Brian through a long string of borrowed phones from the locals there at Scott and in Machakos.  Apparently, Brian had sent them several texts during the day today, but they weren't receiving them.  Ahhh, technology.  However, tonight, a whole slew of texts came at once- maybe the same issue affecting the WiFi is affecting the texts in-country?  Doesn't make sense, but you never know.

Brian said that everyone in Kajiado is doing great and that they've already gotten the posts and half of the walls up on the church... and they estimate that they'll finish the building tomorrow!  The first service should be this Sunday!  Isn't that AMAZING???!!!  The building, which Jenni says is simple and functional (wood beam frame and metal sheet siding and roof), will also be used as a school building.  So, first church service on Sunday, followed by the first day of classes on Monday.

Brian also said that he is astonished (and excited) that the local men are there helping them and are asking all kinds of questions.  As you probably know, the major role of Maasai men is to herd their cattle (their wealth) while the women stay with the children near the boma and take care of the homestead.  This is why Brian is so encouraged at their participation.  The Maasai men continue to remark to Brian (et al) that they can not believe our team has returned for a third year.  They want to know why TCA keeps coming back to help them.  Brian and Pastor Charles keep explaining that they were called there by God.  They must know of Mama Ruth's faithful prayers over the last several years.  This is visible affirmation that God is alive- and He's answered 'yes' to Mama Ruth!

As you can imagine, I had goosebumps reading Jenni's texts.  How amazing is the confluence of events that brought two groups of people from opposite sides of the globe together?!  God's plan is intricate and beautiful indeed.

I'd like to end my post on a funny note- because miscommunication and cultural differences are part of the joy of this type of trip.  The Kajiado team sent Koi English with a small group to a secondary school, and someone there offered Brian Millet FIVE cows for her to become their wife.  But never fear!  Brian protected her, telling the man that Koi had a big, burly husband at home, so that wasn't going to happen.  He did remark that it was a nice offer all the same. :)

Hopefully, I won't be your guest blogger again tomorrow (let's hope the WiFi is back up and running).  Please keep the entire team in your prayers.  I personally plan to pray that the LORD would put a hedge of protection around each and every one of them as they do His work in Kenya, and that every attempt that Satan makes to thwart their efforts will be shut down.  In my previous experience on this trip, as each day passes, you can almost hear the Enemy's cries of outrage as he tries harder and harder to discourage the team in every single way he possible can.  You may think that sounds hokey, but I assure you that I have seen it happen with my own eyes.

BUT, the Enemy is seriously wasting his time.  Because the war has already been won.


Jill Cox (on behalf of Jenni Millet)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wed. June 15 Update

Just to let you know, the group has arrived safely in Kajaido.  They said that their bus broke down twice and ran out of gas once.  When they ran out of gas, they were going uphill on the highway and the bus actually started rolling backwards.  Sounds like they were all glad to finally be there!  Anyway, Brian and Peter have already purchased and loaded all of the lumber and supplies on a truck and delivered it to the top of the hill so everything is there waiting for them to start working tomorrow.  We will let you know more as we get information from them.


Jenni Millet

Wed. June 15

So, this morning we got the Kajaido group off around 7:15 a.m.  Brian and Peter had gone ahead yesterday to buy Bibles and make sure the accomodations were ready and purchase supplies etc.  Brian texted me this morning to say that they told him NOT to bring Peter Bjorkman with him next time because he was so good at bartering and talked them down on the price of everything.  :)

He also said that the Masaai men have come back to the village to help them construct the church on the top of the hill where Mama Ruth and her tribe live.  This is the hill our group has had to climb each year - a 3 hour trek just to get there.  We are extremely happy to hear that the Masaai men have already built a road so that our group can now DRIVE to the top.  Of course, we haven't seen it yet...drivable in Kenya is not always something we might consider safe.  But it sounds like a great improvement. 

It is quite remarkable that these men are taking part in the building of this church.  Last year at this time, the masaai were astounded that our group had come back a second time to help them.  Brian Millet was approached by one of the masaai warrior men in full garb the minute they stepped off the bus.  The man demanded to know why we were there.  Brian explained that we came to show them that God loves them and tell them about Jesus.  The man received Christ right there and ran off to get another man and told Brian to tell him about Jesus too.  That man also believed right then.  It turns out those two men were the key leaders of this tribe.  They had previously mocked and even beat some of the women in the tribe who had become believers in Jesus...but now that they have received Christ it has opened the doors for the whole village to believe. 

This is a nomadic tribe and the men are usually off with the cattle, leaving the women back to care for the kids.  So the fact that they came back purposely to take part in the building of the church is a great sign that they are invested in the church and actively participating.  Last year, while our group was there, they were able to see 27 masaai baptized as a result of the previous year's group and the local missionary ( a former Scott student) who has been working to disciple them.   Please continue to pray for this group as christianity is something most masaai have rejected in the past and the doors seem to be opening all over the place right now.

Everyone who was supposed to go to Kajaido was able to go, including  a couple who were still "iffy" on the stomach bug.  Please pray for health for the group as they are on a long bus ride today, stopping at two orphanages along the way to deliver supplies.  James Ndungu's brother, George, is riding along with the group to escort them out there.  They should arrive by early evening or late this afternoon.

Our group seems quite small now that half are gone but have been working hard this morning to finish off preparing the site for the new preschool.  This afternoon, we will be doing another day of VBS, some door to door evangelism, and a couple of the art students will be heading to the orphanage to paint a mural in one of their rooms. 

I will try to upload some more photos into the photo log if the wifi will work fast enough.  Thank you again for your continuing prayers. 

In Christ,

Jenni Millet for the group

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tues., June 14

Sorry this is kind of late but we have been busy ALL day today and I have just now had the chance to sit down and write.  Did I mention I am about to fall asleep?  :)

So, today was full of excitement.  We started out on the work project in the morning.  Right after lunch we went to the School for Disabled and then immediately came back and 1/2 the group went to VBS, while the other 1/2 went to do door to door evangelism.  A few went with Jon over to visit the Orphanage and see their new building site.  Quincy and Catherine both gave their testimonies at the School for Disabled, we did a few songs from our vbs repertoire, and then Jon shared with them how they are all invited to the banquet with Christ in heaven.

Tomorrow, 18 of the group will leave for Kajaido at 6 a.m.  Brian Millet and Peter Bjorkman already left today to go ahead of the group and get things organized before the rest arrive.  Thanks to a generous donor, they were able to stop in Nairobi and buy 125 bibles written in the Masaai language to take with them.  Please pray for safety as the others join them tomorrow and they begin their ministry there to the Masaai. 

Most people are feeling well again now.  Stephanie is still a little under the weather, but I think she is the last to get it.  And Wes wasn't quite 100% but we think that is more because he ate a bunch of sugar can today right off the street market.  It seems as though everyone scheduled to go to Kajaido is actually going to Kajaido tomorrow and no changes have been made to the roster due to illness so that is a blessing.

I will try to upload more photos tomorrow.  Forgive my tiredness and jumbled thoughts.  All students are doing well and you should be so proud of all of them!

More later!

Jenni Millet for the group

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 13

Bad news/Good news

Well, the bad news is that our team is dropping like flies with this stomach bug that seems to be going around.  I won't even bother listing who all is sick because it is mostly everyone...and if they're not sick yet, they will be by this evening.  The good news is that it seems to be very short lived and most are up and around again by the next day.   And we are fortunate to have Dr. Voelker, who has been great checking in on people and making sure nobody is dehydrated...plus he has all kinds of great medicine with him.  He somehow has not been sick yet, but I have a feeling he is doomed as well.   We are just thankful that this has gone through the group BEFORE we send half the team off to Kajaido, which is a much more remote location with less "facilities." 

Yesterday, half the group had a great time hiking up the hills behind Scott and interacting with the locals.  The other half got to go to the Woodcarvers village and shop a little bit.  It was a relaxing Sunday and all enjoyed visiting the various churches and seeing how the Kenyans worship.

So, those who are feeling well have been working this morning.  They are clearing a field next to the new preschool site that will be their playground area.  I have uploaded some photos in an album on here so you should see a couple of the foundation site and the field they are working on.  We helped this same little preschool one of the first years we came.  Some TCA teachers generously donated lots of classroom decorations and supplies.  You can see in one of the photos that they still had them hanging in the exact spot where we put them, and they are all tattered and well-loved by now.  We have brought some fresh supplies along so hopefully once the new building is up it will be a much better place for them.  The headmaster here at Scott said that most of the Scott students and faculty don't send their own children to this school right now because they are so overcrowded and the current facilities are so run down.  This new building site will be a great blessing for them to have their kids closer by.

For this afternoon, Brian Millet and Mark Dyer have organized a 5K race for the locals at 4:30.  We all know that these Kenyans are going to run the socks off of us Americans, but it should be fun anyway.  They even brought some medals to hand out at the end to the winners.  We will let you know what happens.

The VBS team is also preparing for the second day with some local kids which will be arriving at 4:00.  I have to brag on these kids some because they have just been fabulous!   I put Lauren Wright in charge because she was so helpful and organized last year helping with VBS.  Today especially, I am SO glad she is here because I am staying back with my sick Marshall.   I know she will handle things and everything will run smoothly.  Another small thing to overcome...we packed a sound system to use at VBS where we could play a video of the music in the background with lyrics and all sorts of great stuff.   It was one of the things lost with the luggage so we were all excited when it arrived the other day.  But, as we like to say - This is Kenya - and our fearless leader, Jon just accidentally plugged the system into a plug with the wrong voltage and blew a fuse or something....SIGH!  So, luckily, we have our talented son, Max with us to play guitar and lead the music along with Lizzie Dockery.  And Scott Vance has  a small drum so they are doing a great job leading the music without any American technology whatsoever.   Will, Tobias, Lauren, Lizzie and Gunnar are doing a great job with the skits and are hilarious with their antics. 

Oh, by the way, a group of 12 got up in the middle of the night last night to go to the cafeteria, where we can get wifi to watch the MAVS WIN the finals.  Gotta' love Wifi! 

Thank you for your continuing prayers.  Please pray specifically for the health issues here, so that we can get on with the work we came to do.  Tomorrow we will be sending a few people to the School for Disabled and the Orphanage as well so we want to make sure we are all recovered!

In Christ alone

Jenni Millet for the group

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 12

I am so excited!  Scott now has Wifi and I just realized I can actually update this from the little house on campus that Jon and I are staying in!  I will try to upload some photos after this post.

So today, we woke up to find quite a few sickly people.  Linda Halbert, Claire, Michelle Fackler, and Rachel Hailstone are all down with some kind of stomach bug or virus.  Claire and Linda seem to be doing better and I think now Rachel and Michelle are making progress.  Luckily, this year, we have Dr. Voelker along with us and so he has been able to check on them and give them appropriate medications and make sure they're getting plenty of fluids.  Anyway, please keep the group in your prayers as things like this seem to always make the rounds through the dorm. 

Last night we thoroughly embarrassed Quincy for his birthday by giving him 18 birthday kisses on the cheek from all the girls and a big bear hug from Brian.  Ellie had hand-made him a card that everyone had signed and Jon bought chocolate and cokes for the whole group.  We love having Quincy along on the trip as he is such a wonderfully called preacher and a great person to get to know.

As I said yesterday, all the luggage has arrived so that was a huge praise.  I think that's the fastest we've ever received lost luggage!  In general, this group has been working so well together and getting a lot accomplished.

Today, we all broke into groups and went to various churches.  Most of the men and senior boys preached or gave their testimonies.  This afternoon, two different groups went out.  We sent most of the Kajairdo team to the local woodcarvers village since they won't have the chance to go once they leave for the Masaii village.  The rest of the team went on a hike up the hills behind Scott seminary.  I'm sure they will come back with lots of great stories and photos.

The Millet kids are all doing just great for those of you praying for them.  They are LOVING Africa.  Marshall has shook almost everyone's hand that he's met and all have had a great attitude.  They had a great time in church this morning watching the different choirs and watching Dad preach and Max sing. 

Thank you for your continued prayers.  This trip consists of so many more people than just those who are here.  We are so thankful for the many of you who helped us get here and who are praying for us and our ministry. 

For the group

Jenni Millet

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday morning - June 11

Huge praise! ALL of the missing luggage has arrived at the airport so we sent Mitch Voelker with the driver to pick it up in Nairobi. This morning we sang happy birthday to Quincy and started the day out with a devotion on James 1 about perseveringly through trials and the result of joy.

This morning we had our first session of vbs and the team was SO fantastic! Lizzie and Max did a great job leading the music. Michelle Fackler did a wonderful job introducing things and keeping the kids on track. Tobias, Will, Lauren, and Lizzie were our main skit characters and Gunnar Lopez played the important part of the rare African Blue Cheeked Bee Eater. Paige and Catherine taught the lesson about The Lords prayer and then Sarah Dyer and Brandon Galvan had a little lion craft to show them how God listens and they all loved it.

The rest of the group spent the morning clearing and leveling the land for the new preschool. This afternoon, the vbs crew switches to work and some of the workers will come play some games with the vbs kids. At 4 we have a challenge match of soccer with the locals. We are getting lots of pictures and video which I will eventually try to upload. Lunch now. Thanks for paring for us!

In Christ Alone

Jenni Millet for the group

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 10

Jambo from Africa! Thank you Jill Cox for relaying my message that we arrived safely last night. I just could not drag my tired self out at 1 in the morning to go find a wifi spot. Our flights over were fine and fairly uneventful other than losing some luggage. And yes, for those of you keeping track, this is the second year in a row that Quincy has been the unfortunate victim of luggage loss. Thankfully, he is very mature and patient about it.
Today,we slept in a bit and had our breakfast and morning meeting where we met the new president of Scott and the students who will be accompanying us as translators. We took a tour of the college and saw what we will be working on this year - helping to build a new preschool facility that is close by to Scott and where many of the students children attend.

After lunch we set out in groups to about 8 different schools. Many of the students gave their testimonies. I haven't heard from all the groups yet but Ron Crosby told us that in his group, Brandon Galvan and Stephanie Fackler both did an awesome job sharing. My group went to a local primary school where Catherine Megison and Evan McClay both spoke and Kevin led music. I also heard that Peter Bjorkman gave a very powerful testimony where 5 people came to Christ afterward. We are all now back at Scott, finishing dinner, and getting ready for all the goings on of tomorrow. In the morning we will start up the work project and also start the first day of VBS.

This morning, Jon shared his main prayer for this trip, which is that we would have JOY in serving. This is a good indication of a close walk with God and proper perspective of the bigger picture. Please pray with us for this as we continue our ministries.

We are all looking forward to a good nights sleep and productive day tomorrow. Hope to have some photos tomorrow.

P.s. The Millet kids are all doing great!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Safe Arrival!

Hi everyone-

This is actually Jill Cox updating on behalf of Jenni Millet!  GOOD NEWS:  The team has arrived safely in Kenya, and they've already traveled from Nairobi to Scott Theological College.  Everyone is now snug in their beds in the dorms, so we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. :)

Jenni said it was a great trip over!  However, she did pass along one (very big) prayer request... while all the people made it to Nairobi, not all of the luggage did.  Ohhhh, the glory of transatlantic travel.  Sigh.  Poor Max Millet, Marie Millet, Catherine Megison, Michelle Fackler, and Quincy Thompson were the unfortunate victims, as well as seven supply tubs and the sound system (!!!).  So, please pray for the airlines to get these lost items to Scott as soon as possible.

I'm sure Jenni will be updating the blog sometime tomorrow morning (our time) so check back regularly to see what the Lord is already doing in Machakos!  I can't wait to hear the first day's report!

In Christ Alone,

Jill Cox

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

final preparations

Last night before we leave.  We are looking forward to the trip.  It is going to be awesome.

Please pray for rest and confidence for all team members and their families in our safety, purpose and the Lord’s leading in our lives. 

Pray that the efforts of the enemy to suppress the Gospel and our efforts will be bound.

Pray that the Lord will be glorified in all that we do and that we will see this trip as His.

Blessings and see you at the airport,


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One more day before takeoff

Please be in prayer for these final days of preparation. 

Please uplift the following:

Scott Theological College and the work project that we will be helping to construct.
The VBS Ministry which we be going on almost daily.
The Springs of Hope Orphanage where we minister and paint a children’s mural.
The many local Schools where we will be sharing the Gospel.
The many local Churches where we will be preaching the word of God.
The Masai at Rruya where we will be helping to construct a church.

We will have a lot going on each day and so much opportunity to reflect Christ.  Pray we do this well.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One month until we leave

We will be leaving almost one month from now for Kenya! Please be praying for us as we make final preparations and continue to try and raise the funds needed for our ministries there. Our team will be dedicating time in specific prayer each day toward one aspect of our trip. I will list them below if you would like to pray along with us before we leave:

Thanks in advance,
Jenni Millet for the group

Saturday, June 4
Please pray for our final meeting and the packing day preparations on Sunday.  Pray that we will get all the necessary supplies and items to donate all packed in a timely manner.   Pray that the Lord will be exalted in all that we do.  Praise God for His never-ending love for us and that He seeks the heart of man continuously.

Friday, June 3
Please pray for the final preparations that we are all going through to prepare for the trip.  Please take time to Thank the Lord for His faithfulness in providing just what we need for the trip.  I am already amazed at what he is doing.  Pray that we all can have some needed Sabbath before we leave as well.  That we will be renewed and refreshed before we leave.

Thurs. June 2
I have attached the current prayer group roster.  There have been some changes to make note of.  Please take time to pray for each member of your specific group today and to uplift each member each day this final week.

Wed. June 1
Please pray for each one in the group.  Sometimes during this last week doubts about the trip can arise.  Please pray for boldness and perseverance for each one as the enemy often wants to discourage us in our final preparations.  I have actually find this encouraging as I believe that the Lord has great and wonderful work for us to do that the enemy wants to hinder.  Let us encourage and bear one another’s burdens.

Tues., May 31 -
Please pray for our work project at Scott.  It has recently changed to working on elementary school classrooms for their ministry for local children.  Scott has recently lost some enrolled students who were pulled out due to the poor conditions of the current classrooms.  We have sent over some money to help them construct new additions.  We will be working on these while we are there.  Please pray for the school as they prepare the work project and for us as we try to help them complete this project while we are still in Machakos.

Monday, May 30 -
Please pray that we will have the heart of the Lord as we finalize preparations and go to serve.  Pray that He will open our hearts to those in need both spiritually and physically.  Pray that He will open our minds to understand and appreciate the Kenyan’s and their culture.  Pray that He will give our group a Spirit of love and joy that will be noticeable to all who encounter us.

Sun., May 29 -
Please pray for the VBS team as they meet today to practice the material that they will be teaching from.  Pray that the Lord will bless their efforts and that they will be able to see children come to Christ.

Sat., May 28 -
Pray for the country of Kenya.  Pray for the leaders of the country that they will make wise and God – honoring decisions that are in the best interest of the people of Kenya.  Pray that the people of this land will be thirsty for the word of God and will be able to see clearly and distinguish between the truth and the false systems of man.

Friday, May 27 -
Praise the Lord.  Many of the details we have been working towards finalizing are coming together.  The Lord is providing.  The Lord is good.  Again, thanks to James Ndungu who has been hard at work on many of the trip details.  We are now finalizing many of the details in Kajiado.  Please uplift Pastor Charles in Kenya, who will be traveling to Kajiado on Monday to finalize our plans.  Please pray for his safety in travel, that the final coordination of our lodging, food and ministries will be easily taken care of.  He is also trying to set up an orphanage visit as well as coordinate plans for our group to build a very simple structure for a new church in a Masai Village.

Thurs. May 26 -
Please pray for Scott Theological College as they finalize plans for our work project.  We will be helping to add an addition to their kitchen area.  Please pray that the necessary plans and supplies will be in place for us to begin work when we arrive.  Pray that we will work efficiently and be able to help them get much accomplished on the project.

Wed. May 25 -
Please pray for all of us collecting items for the trip.  Pray that the Lord will provide just the right supplies and materials that we will need and more importantly others that we will serve will need.  One year we showed up with a bunch of formula for the orphanage who had just run out the day before.  We filled a need that we had no idea was there.  The Lord is good.

Tues. May 24 -
Please pray that we are able to finalize many of the last details this week.  We have some payments and reservations that we are getting in place and a few that we need to shore up.

Mon. May 23 -
Please pray for those who will be involved in the medical ministry of going to the local hospital to pray for the sick and suffering.  Please pray for Dr. Mitch Voelker who will be working with a local Doctor and teaching about infant resuscitation.  Please pray that the Lord will open doors for him not only to provide lifesaving skills but also opportunities to share about the love of Christ.

Sun. May 22 -
Please pray for James and Mary Ndungu who are helping us to coordinate the trip to Kenya. Although they are not able to travel with us this year, they have been very gracious to do much work for the group in order to set -up our ministries. Please pray for them this summer as they have a daughter leaving for college and they are finishing up their own schooling as well. Pray for the two individuals ( I do not know their names yet) who are on the ground in Kenya helping to coordinate our ministries.

Sat., May 21 -
Please pray for my family as we prepare for travel to Kenya. Pray for Jenni and I as we coordinate the trip as well as prepare our younger children for this new adventure for them. Pray for Max, Marshall, Mikayla and Marie as they learn to step out in faith. Pray that the Lord will provide for our special considerations throughout the trip. There are obviously many situations that our children will need extra care and help with. Pray for all of us to have patience and to find joy in the travel and the busyness of the work. Please especially pray that my children will see their unique calling to serve the Lord and that they will understand that they can be used in a dynamic way just by being willing to serve and allow the Lord to complete who they are.

Friday, May 20 -
Pray for our ministry in Kajiado. We still have many details to work out on that end. We would like to send people there to minister, but we are not sure what that looks like at this time. Please pray for Mama Ruth and Pastor Charles as they continue to lead their people and develop the church in that area. Pray that we will know exactly how we can support this new church and how to encourage the new believers in this area.

Thurs., May 19 -
Praise the Lord: We have received quite a few donations that will now cover all of our large outstanding bills. The Lord has generously provided funds as we have raised over $22,000 in just three days. Please continue to pray that the rest of the funding will come through to cover our ministry needs and goals. The Lord is good and has and will continue to bless our efforts and prayers. Let us all go before the Lord with Thanksgiving.

Wed., May 18 -
Pray for the preparation of personal testimonies by each team member. Pray that the Lord will give each member the correct words to say and the boldness to share when the appropriate time comes.

Tues., May 17 -
Pray for the remaining funds to be raised these next several weeks. Pray that the Lord will provide for our ministry goals.

Monday, May 16 -
Please pray for those men who will be preaching on Sunday. Pray for their preparation and the Spirits leading.

Sunday, May 15 -
Please uplift our meeting on Sunday as we continue to prepare for the trip. Pray for the VBS team as they prepare skits and lessons for the children in Kenya. Pray that all of us will be clear and concise in our testimonies as they reflect our relationship with Christ. Pray for the worship leaders as they prepare and teach us the songs that we will be using. Pray for all of the adult leaders who will be giving morning devotions for our group while in Kenya.

Sat., May 14 -
Please uplift our meeting on Sunday as we continue to prepare for the trip. Pray for the VBS team as they prepare skits and lessons for the children in Kenya. Pray that all of us will be clear and concise in our testimonies as they reflect our relationship with Christ. Pray for the worship leaders as they prepare and teach us the songs that we will be using. Pray for all of the adult leaders who will be giving morning devotions for our group while in Kenya.

Friday, May 13 -
Please uplift the local schools where we will be ministering throughout the trip. Please pray for those of us who will be sharing testimonies and sharing God’s word. Pray for the students who will be hearing the Gospel perhaps for the first time. Pray that God will prepare our hearts as well as those who will hear his word.

Thurs. May 12 -
Please pray for the Masaku School for the Disabled. Pray for the over 150 students that they house there. Please uplift the teachers of the school and the head of the school Bernard Muli. Please pray that the Lord will meet our goal of trying to raise the last remaining funds to complete the cost of the school bus for the children. Pray that the children’s hearts will be prepared to hear about Jesus. Pray for all of us on our team who will go to serve them.

Wed. May 11 -
Please pray for the Springs of Hope Orphanage. Please pray for the many young children that they take care of. As of last year they had 45 children. It is quite possible they have increased in size this past year as they are the only facility that takes in infants in the area. Please pray for the many workers that help to take care of the children each day. Please uplift Mary Musyoka the director of the Orphanage. Pray specifically that they will be able to continue to raise funds for their new facility where they hope to build better housing for the children.

Tues. May 10 -
Please pray for Scott Theological College, our host for the trip. Please pray for the students at Scott to be successful in their studies and that they will continue to be bold for Christ throughout their communities. Pray that the institution will continue to grow and develop as they have recently undergone a transfer of leadership (new headmaster) at the school. Pray that the Lord will meet their financial needs and that they will stay steadfast to their mission to train spiritual leaders to influence Africa for Christ. Please pray that we will be a blessing and encouragement to these fellow believers and brothers and sisters in Christ.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Welcome to the 2011 TCA Mission Africa blogspot. Be sure to check for updated information on our trip.

This year's trip dates will be:
June 8-23, 2011

Please be in prayer for our team as we raise funding for our various projects and prepare for our ministries.

For more information contact
Jon or Jenni Millet